
The IFSC has reached a major milestone in its 16-year history following the Executive Board’s approval of its 100th Member Federation.

The inclusion of the national Sport Climbing federations of Guam and Nigeria brings IFSC membership to a full century, underscoring the steady growth of the International Federation since its inception in 2007, when it counted 57 founding members.

It also takes the number of members in Africa and Oceania to 10 and three, respectively. This is a sign of the development on the two continents as well as a timely boost for the athletes from both nations ahead of the Paris 2024 continental qualification events taking place in Australia – from 24 to 26 November– and South Africa – from 7 to 10 December – later this year.

The 100-country score also highlights the steadily, growing popularity of Sport Climbing globally, with interest and participation in the sport, especially among young people, at an all-time high.

“Enlarging the IFSC family to 100 members makes history,” said IFSC President Marco Scolaris. “It is the result of an ongoing commitment by all of us to establish our sport truly global and support all continents.

It also signifies the increasing professionalization of our structure, administration, and operations. To become an IFSC Member Federation, national bodies must meet high ethical and sport standards laid out for them in our Statutes. The 100-member milestone is therefore a testament to our continued adherence to prudent and sustainable growth as an International Federation.”

The approval of Guam and Nigeria follow admissions earlier this year of national Sport Climbing associations in Iceland, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Morocco, and now need to be finally ratified at the next IFSC General Assembly.

The full list of IFSC members can be seen here

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